Stories invite us to see the world differently. They can move, challenge and inspire us.

Great stories happen to those who can tell them.Ira Glass, This American Life

We understand that stories are vital tools for building understanding and driving change.

That’s why Bethesda Trust provides professional communications support to help the organisations we support “tell the story” of their work and the positive changes they are making in lives of people and in their communities.

We also promote the value of stories, especially digital stories, with others involved in giving in Australia.

Our School Our Story was prepared in partnership with the students and teachers of Canterbury Public School, in metropolitan Sydney.

James Iliffe, who heads up Black and White Media and the Story Exchange Foundation, works with organisations supported by the Trust to collect all the necessary elements – including photos, audio interviews and music – to create a powerful digital story.

We use a collaborative methodology to develop the digital story, working with organisations to identify the focus for the interviews and the type of images that best reflect their work and achievements. This ensures that it is their story that gets told, in their voice.

We also provide practical “how to” advice on creating digital stories, sharing skills that the organisation can use in the future.

The power of the personal story influences us, inspires us and motivates us.Fran Kelly, presenter Radio National Breakfast

The digital story that is produced, around three minutes long, can be used by the organisation to promote their work to the community and their supporters, as well as to generate support from potential donors.

It also provides a record of our involvement, capturing the impact of family giving in this generation, which we hope will continue in future generations.

Tell stories of your giving, of philanthropy – and be specific.Kevin Murphy, Chairman of the US Council of Foundations

Over the years I have become convinced that we learn best – and change – from hearing stories that strike a chord within us.Dr John Kotter, Harvard Business School